Finding A Qualified Lawyer To Handle Your Case
Finding a well-qualified lawyer for a work injury or work illness claim can be difficult. Workers’ compensation is a unique and complicated area of law that often requires specialized legal knowledge and extensive experience. While any reputable lawyer is legally able to handle a work injury/illness case, not every lawyer has the type of expertise and experience that will assure you of the best legal representation.
That’s where Trucker Lawyers can help. If you request us to, we will gladly, and without obligation on your part, recommend an excellent lawyer to handle your case.
Our lengthy experience in the work injury/occupational illness field and our wide network of contacts gives us access to top-rated specialists in every state. We know which law firms have the highest ratings and which lawyers have a proven record of helping people in your situation, as demonstrated by their professional honors and achievements.
In appropriate cases, the lawyer we recommend will be a member of the AFL-CIO Union Privilege program. In all cases, our recommendation will put you in touch with a lawyer who has a high level of professional competence, great client sensitivity and a well-earned reputation for fairness and honesty.
How to receive a lawyer recommendation:
1. Fill out our contact form as completely as possible and hit the submit button to send the form to us. This form gives us the basic information we need to determine the type of legal assistance your case may require. Note: All the information you send to us is kept in strict confidence and will not be revealed to anyone else without your permission.
Click here to go to the contact form.
2. Our office will review the submitted information and respond to you within two working days.
- If special legal expertise is not required, we may simply suggest that you contact a local lawyer of good reputation.
- If we think your case requires specialized legal expertise, our response will explain the type of legal qualifications you should seek and will ask if you want us to recommend a lawyer who can effectively handle your case.
3. If you then ask us to recommend a lawyer, we will respond with one or more names of quality lawyers who will handle your case effectively and with a genuine concern for your welfare. (Note: Our recommendation may or may not include our law firm – Rehm, Bennett, Moore, Rehm & Ockander Attorneys At Law P.C., L.L.O., owner and operator of this website – depending on the state or states of jurisdiction and whether we think our unique areas of expertise match the needs of your case.)
4. It is entirely up to you to determine if you want to proceed with contacting the lawyer(s) we recommend. In many cases, your first contact with the recommended lawyer is completely free of charge, so it would be to your advantage to make contact and see what the lawyer thinks of your case.
Is a local lawyer necessary?
In every case you should be represented by a lawyer who is licensed to practice in the state that has jurisdiction over your claim. That does not mean, however, that the lawyer must live in your locality. In some cases, a local lawyer is advisable. In other cases, the expertise of the lawyer is more important than where the lawyer is located. In such cases, a non-local lawyer can effectively handle your case by using a local lawyer to handle any “on-site” duties. This team approach does not involve additional legal fees.